Sun conjunct Jupiter: Bliss and Bombs


If you follow current astrology you may have heard about tomorrow’s (March 5) Sun/Jupiter conjunction aka “cazimi” in the mystical sign of PIsces, when Jupiter is in the heart of the Sun. Although this event happens every year, this year is supercharged because Jupiter is in the sign (Pisces) of its ancient rulership and Neptune is also in Pisces, the sign of its modern rulership. If that weren’t enough-Jupiter will meet up to form a conjunction with Neptune on April 12. Both rulers of Pisces coming “home” together so to speak. So this year’s Sun/Jupiter cazimi is setting the stage for the arrival of the most impactful transits of the year in April.

For this reason many astrologers are talking about this year’s Sun/Jupiter cazimi and how this meet up is a time of manifestation and abundance.  Make wishes, do spells, expect magic! Wow. What a build up! At a time when the news reflects a very different reality for a lot of people, it raises the question of how is it possible to manifest being blissed out when so many are suffering and dying? How can you focus on ecstatic states of awareness when bombs are going off?

Delving into the fuller nature of the sign of Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, may offer some Pisces style, paradoxical answers.

Pisces is the sign that ends a cycle of life. It is the sign of Cerridwen’s cauldron of death where we brew until it is time to be reborn in the magical waters of life. Yes, Pisces is blissful union with the divine, otherworldly love and kindness, creativity without boundaries and being touched by the “fae”, Pisces is also the sign of release, letting go, loss, addiction and illusion.

Jupiter expands and magnifies whatever it touches, bringing its wisdom, perspective and gifts. As the Sun meets Jupiter exactly tomorrow, catching fire, renewing and rebirthing the power of Jupiter, take time to grieve your losses with compassion, feel your human vulnerability, your tenderness, your connection to all of life and release what you feel called to release into an infinite ocean of love, allowing this shared human experience of grief and loss to soften you and open your heart.

An open heart is a heart that is better able to receive and soak in the abundance that is all around you, everywhere within and without.


Reflection Questions:

What in your life is finished and complete? What needs to be mourned and released? What do you long for that is unavailable? How can you feel the sadness for this loss and lay it down in the waters of renewal?

What do you need and desire in abundance right now in this moment? What abundance is overflowing in your life that you can share with others and in that way make a human connection?


“Individually We are One Drop”… Venus Conjunct Mars in Aquarius


Pisces Season Series: The Astrology of Dreamwork