“Individually We are One Drop”… Venus Conjunct Mars in Aquarius


All over the world, throughout history, people have come together to work, create and survive together. From the Diggers in 17th century England, to the barn raisings of the Amish, or the Ejidos of Mexico, humans innately understand that “individually we are one drop, together we are an ocean” (Ryunosuke Akutagawa).

 As Venus and Mars continue to move forward , joined hand in hand in their unusual and months long conjunction aspect, they illuminate our human relationships with each other. Today, these two planets of love and lust, peace and war, connection and boundaries have transformed, shapeshifting from earth to air, from cardinal to fixed, from Capricorn to Aquarius. From Saturn’s realm: the heavy, serious, focused, committed, long term terrain of Capricorn, to the realm of Aquarius. Aquarius builds us a bridge from the Capricorn focus of what can be built from the reality of the present, to what can be envisioned through innovation and experimentation for the future.

Venus brings her relating nature to the sometimes impersonal nature of Aquarius, reminding us of the  pleasure that comes from connecting with a group of human beings. The joy of community. Venus in Aquarius awakens our love, and pleasure for others of our species: their quirks and follies, their differences and unknowable mystery.

Mars, moving from its exaltation in Capricorn, takes a backseat in this evolving partnership. Supporting, protecting and activating the Aquarian frequency, energizing Venus with an electric vitality that brings new energy to our engagement with others.

 As this rare conjunction pauses at 0 degrees of Aquarius, aligning us with the qualities of the Fool card, innocence, adventure, infinity, the ouroborous of ongoing cycles, we are brought back to December of 2020, when Jupiter and Saturn also joined  at 0 degrees of Aquarius. We are invited to return to our own motivation for continuing to be part of the quest of human progress. This time the invitation is to recognize our own unique thread in the weave of life and how we can continue to create and improvise the tapestry with our own unique contribution.

How can we move forward together as a human race, as powerful a force of life as the ocean?



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Sun conjunct Jupiter: Bliss and Bombs