Full Moon in Virgo

At the River Clarion

“I don’t know who God is exactly.

But I’ll tell you this.

I was sitting in the river named Clarion, on a water splashed stone

and all afternoon I listened to the voices of the river talking.

Whenever the water struck a stone it had something to say,

and the water itself, and even the mosses trailing under the water.

And slowly, very slowly, it became clear to me what they were saying.

Said the river I am part of holiness.

And I too, said the stone. And I too, whispered the moss beneath the water.”

Mary Oliver

You stand there, and I’ll stand over here, exactly opposite you. What do you see? Notice any differences? Similarities? What about me both irritates and intrigues you? What makes you want to change, stretch and grow? How are you feeling inspired to create or motivated to destroy?

In astrologese, an opposition is an aspect that showcases the differences between two signs, highlighting the extremes of each sign involved. Oppositions are known as “hard” aspects, because the energetic they create can be tense and stressful. Yet oppositions also have the potential to blend and integrate completely different energies in a new way that creates a more wholistic, complete expression than if each sign were on its own.

An opposition is both a challenge and an opportunity. Are we willing to stretch and grow? To take a little Fool’s leap and do something different? 

Every Full Moon there is an opposition between the Sun and the Moon. Friday, March 18, 2022 there is a Full Moon in Virgo opposite the Sun in Pisces.

The Sun in Pisces and Moon in Virgo  stand, face to face, or back to back, opposite. Earthy, real, practical, getting the work done, Virgo says, I’ve got a purpose, I know how to help, allow me to serve and mentor you.  Pisces says, I inspire, I seed the work you do in the world. I bring magic, mystery and life essence, the spark that feeds the flame of creativity and life purpose.

The Moon in Virgo, signifies our collective mood and the feeling tone in the air right now.
With the Moon in Virgo, we are interested in the details of life, the mundane, the practical. Our bodies, our health, and all the little errands that once completed, will make our lives run just a little bit more smoothly. How do we organize, analyze and digest (remember Virgo rules digestion) our lives?

We are also invited to explore the concept of service-who or what do we serve? We may experience the desire to serve as a sacred act. 
This lunation asks: What form of service awakens the divine in you?
The Sun in Pisces helps to answer the divine part of this question. Pisces brings us closer to god/dess, encouraging us to let go of all that stands in the way of our connection to what is holy and sacred.

God in the Pisces frequency is whatever that means for us individually. This isn’t some kind of organized religion thing, there’s no intermediary, no morality, no right and wrong. We either feel it or we don’t with Pisces. Pisces is pure faith, devotion and mystery. 

How do you find the magical in the mundane? The holy in the humble? 

As this lunation lights up the sky, notice what other questions and answers arise for you around Virgo and Pisces themes. Observe if you feel called in a new direction or are guided to dive deeper into a realm where you are already rooted.

If you have read this far, I’m guessing that you enjoy my take on astrology, so I want to invite you to join my new online (and soon in person also) astrology community. 

Astrology Salon is officially open! First Online Gathering is LIVE on Apr 10, 2022at 4pm PT/7pm ET (It will be recorded if you can’t make it live).

Join the community for $17 monthly or $164 a year (save 20% when you sign up for the year).
Benefits include:

*Twice monthly 90 minute Astrology Salons 

*Access to a video library that include past talks and workshops 

*Discounts on readings, classes and more

*Handouts and learning materials

*A private Slack group to engage with other community members and ask questions.

Read on for more details:

There are 2 online offerings monthly

1-Astrology of the Moment

Once a month “Astrology & Herbs of the Moment” 90 minute online session where I will talk about current cosmic shifts, including herbal allies and remedies to apply. Look forward to a cornucopia of star and plant goodness including: guest experts, recipes, astrological field trip ideas, Ancestral Astrology work, and monthly writing prompts.

2-Astrology in Real Life

In this offering I will focus on how to infuse your daily life with astrology. Each month we focus on a life quality or theme and relate it to astrology. Guided interaction between participants will be facilitated and mini-chart exchanges will occur. This will be astrology FUN time.

Below are some examples of areas we might cover:

1-Magic-Electional astrology

2-Vision-Predictive astrology

3-Abundance-Earth signs/houses/planets, Ceres, Hera

4-Creativity-Venus, Leo, Pisces, the 5th house

5-Community-Air Signs/houses/planets

6-Empowerment-Pluto and the 8th house (houses and planets)

7-Love/Sex-relationship astrology, aspects

8-Healing-Retrograde planets and Chiron, water signs/houses/planets

9-Ancestors-the nodes and the water houses

10-Activation-Fire signs, houses and planets

11-Devotion-the asteroids focus on Vesta

12-Destiny-chart ruler, Ascendent

To help us connect more in between the 2 monthly gatherings, we will have a Slack group to ask and answer questions, share chart info and more.

My vision for the future is to also offer in-person community member Astrology/Herb gatherings at my place in Northern New Mexico. Besides my own teachings, these gatherings would include an influx of guest talent including local herbalists and astrologers and other interesting folks. Let me know if this is something you might be particularly interested in!

If you want more of my kind of astrology join the Wisestars Community HERE


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