BIG NEWS! It’s Taurus Season

I’ve spent the last couple of years being especially nomadic.
Of course this has created an opposing and balancing inner pull towards roots, a nest, a landing place. Taking my own counsel as an astrologer, I've spent time with the cosmic forces at play in my natal chart, investigating the roots of my wounding around "home". Last fall, my efforts bore some Saturn style fruits (yes I've been having Saturn transits in my 4th house of home, family and ancestors) and manifested a new place to call home in Northern New Mexico.

But I found out last week that the universe clearly still had a thing or two to teach me about getting grounded in my new environment. Days after returning from a long visit to Oaxaca, a prescribed burn gone wild erupted a mile from our new home. The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction found me evacuated for a week with my partner and two dogs in a small (but beautiful) room at the back of our friend’s antique store (those of you who have been reading my newsletter for awhile will remember this “quintessential Taurus” who I met during Taurus season last year.)

Oh how I longed to be in my new home…but I wasn’t.
Instead everyday I was still scrambling to find essential elements of comfort like my toothbrush and pillow. I was waking up wondering where I was at 3am and feeling frustrated bumping into things in the dark.

Luckily, after a couple of disorientating days, I got my Taurus on (because I have my natal Saturn in Taurus and it rules my 4th house) and reached out to friends to ground me, went for walks in nature and made sure I had good food to eat. As much as possible I kept to my regular routines like walking the dogs, cooking and having an uplifting morning drink.

Taurus is the remedy for Aries season. Taurus reminds us of our “soft animal body” that “loves what it loves”

Taurus energy teaches us to connect to our animal instincts, tapping in to our senses to understand what we already know at a gut level. Taurus does not analyze and dissect, it just knows in the marrow of its bones. There is a physical truth that lands when Taurus instincts are alive and well. Taurus thrives on physical comfort and the steady, rhythmic drumbeat of familar routine.

Where does Taurus land in your natal chart?
Wherever Taurus makes its home in your chart is where you find your animal self, the part of you that initiates comfort, creates routines and understands your truest values.

Learn more about Taurus season eclipses and ABUNDANCE at the next Astrology Salon on April 25th.

In the Astrology Salon community you get a warm, inviting container to explore the cosmos, with me as a guide!


Full Moon in Capricorn


Full Moon in Virgo