Pluto into Aquarius

Ready or not, Pluto moves into Aquarius tomorrow 3/23 at 5:13 am PDT/8:13am EDT

Until 6/11/23 and then back again in 2024

Pluto has not been in Aquarius since 1777 (cue the Beatles)

"You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know

We all want to change the world"

As a person who has Pluto conjunct my natal Mercury, my thoughts naturally align with the nature of Pluto. Pluto is the god of the underworld, ruling over the realm of all things hidden, secret and deep. As the planet of both death and rebirth, Pluto transforms energy forms, moving matter from one place to another. As the law goes: “Energy never dies, it just changes form”. This Pluto motto will be interesting to witness as Pluto shifts into Aquarius, a sign also associated with energy flow.

I could make sooo many predictions right now about Pluto moving into Aquarius: breakdown and rebuilding of community, energy sectors, technology, etc etc.

But my problem with predictions like this is always-how does this help us?

If you knew that tomorrow as Pluto went into Aquarius the global energy grid was going to blow up-how would that benefit you? Maybe you would have a little extra time to stock up on lanterns and candles and buy some extra food, but ultimately a lot of these types of astrological predictions just breed fear.

A case in point is Pluto moving through Capricorn-did the world end? No. Things happened as they always do, but there were those who predicted complete cultural collapse.

To me a better use of transits and planet tracking is to OBSERVE. Notice what does seem to correlate to Pluto in Aquarius themes and strategize around how you might use that information to benefit yourself and others. Be WITH the transit, let it sink in, allow it to move you. There is no way to really plan for Pluto, Pluto WILL make changes. All you can do is enhance your abilities to let go, to transform, to recognize what needs to die in your life and how you can grieve it and release with love. Look to the house Pluto is in and any planets that might be near 0 Aquarius for clues as to what needs to change.

While there is much in our lives that is fated, there is also much that is shaped by our Free Will. I consider our Free Will to be a human super power-by learning the themes of Pluto in Aquarius and observing the flow of the cosmic river, you can shape your free will in accordance with the transit, rather than pushing against, or letting the river drown you.

There is often fear around Pluto in the Western Cultural paradigm because we fear death, our rituals for grieving are few and far between. We tend towards the awkward and immature.

Looking to our ancestral history of grieving and death, there is a more rich and varied history of rituals and ceremony. As Pluto shifts sign, so to will our awareness of what is dying in our culture. How will you grieve? What will you do to acknowledge the loss?

Love to know if you feel like sharing just email me. For myself, I intend to try and slow down and move more gently through life, especially over this next couple of this next couple of months.

Keep in mind that as Pluto moves further into Aquarius in 2024 and beyond, we will reach a point of remaking what has been destroyed, of building life out of endings. As we learn to let go, we ease our way into a new future that is more juicy and meaningful than what has gone before.

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