Do’s and Don’ts for Pisces Season

Welcome to Pisces Season!

Pisces New Moon 2/19/23 at 11:06 pm PST

Pisces is the last sign in the sacred wheel of 12 celestial archetypes. As the last sign, Pisces serves as a cosmic vessel, like a cauldron holding the dream of life, flavored by the ingredients of dreams, magic, imagination, spirit and compassion. Pisces has the ability to open the doors to alternative perceptions of reality, step through portals and enter completely different realms. Pisces is the embodiment of mystery: tantalizing, magnetic, otherworldly and hard to grasp.

But like every other sign, Pisces too has its pitfalls: delusion, addiction, madness, victimization, suffering and loss.


As the Pisces influence grows stronger from March 3-20 (with the Sun, Mercury and Neptune in Pisces) we are offered an opportunity to swim with the mystery, align our energies with the cosmic flow, open up to nudges from spirit and say YES whenever possible to the magical experience of being alive. Healing happens with Pisces when we connect to the divine, IN WHATEVER FORM. Pisces is the sign of spirituality, rather than organized religion, philosophies or set belief systems  (check out Sagittarius for that). So whether you worship nature, animals, goddesses, gods, symbols or your ancestors (or all the above), you are on the right track. Pisces is the sacred womb where life is held before being birthed into the fiery form (Aries) of Spring.

Let your feelings flow as Pisces opens up your heart chakra, connecting you more deeply to your inner world. If you need to cry, let your tears flow, releasing what has been lost and allowing space for something new to arise.


Do not attempt to make decisions based on logic and reason alone. While logic and reason are important survival skills, Pisces season is not the time to put them in the driver’s seat of your life. 

This time is about BEING rather than DOING. Trying to make big projects happen, emphasizing action and “pushing the river” will backfire now and could cause anxiety and depression. Use your common sense, meaning that you don’t need to spend the next 3 weeks in deep meditation, or binge watching movies on the couch. But cultivating, flow and receptivity now will pay off when action oriented Aries season begins.

Last, but not least: remember that too much water creates a flood, so if you find yourself overwhelmed by emotion or outside energies, try to take some time by yourself to clear your space. Breathwork, a detoxifying herbal salt bath (recipe below) or exercise (particularly in the forest or by the ocean), can re-center and re-connect yourself with you.

Detoxifying Salt Bath

1 cup of epspom salt

1 cup of sea salt

1 cup of baking soda

Make a tea of rosemary, mint and eucalyptus leaves-strain

Add all salts and pour tea in bath water

Dip your head underwater, imagine you are a mermaid/man/person diving deep into the waters of your inner self. Swim freely and enjoy.


Want to learn astrology ? Check out my Be Your Own Astrologer Course starting March 27, 2023






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