Astrology of November 2023

November is the month where we start to build momentum for the changing celestial landscape of 2024.

You will enter the doorway of the month feeling the pull of opposite planetary forces at play. First up on November 2, the Dia De Los Muertos, the Sun in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus. Every year at this time the ancestors gather, reminding you of the cycle of life and your circle of support and love on the other side.

But this year, as the Sun in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus, there is an even greater need to invoke both a connection to your beloved and “well in spirit” dead, while also holding your gift of life in equal measure. The oppositions are “stretching” aspects, asking you to find a way to bring opposites together within yourself and receive the reflection in the mirror of whatever polarity you most align with.

You can invoke gratitude for the "boons" of your life, sinking into the pleasure of being embodied, while recognizing that life is also about ongoing snake shedding skin, Scorpio style transformation.

The next opposition of early November is Venus in Virgo opposing Neptune in PIsces on November 3rd. Your heart has been asked to simplify, to connect to earth pleasures and practice sacred and pleasurable maintenance of the  routines that sustain your  life. When Venus reaches the opposition point to Neptune in Pisces on the 3rd, the ask is to let it all go. To open your heart beyond yourself and welcome in all the love. Divine love, human love, animal love, plant love. The Mantra for this day is:  “If you can love it let it in.” 

Also: “Ring the bells that still can ring-Forget your perfect offering” Leonard Cohen

The bones of spirit, empathy and compassion represented cosmically by Saturn in Pisces emerge as Saturn goes direct on November 5 at 0 degrees of Pisces after being retrograde since Jun 17, 2023. 

Saturn will spend most of November at  the 0 degree mark, holding us in a space of new beginnings for all things structural, disciplined, committed, resilient, focused and sustainable. We have the opportunity to reconnect with how we express Saturn’s qualities in Pisces, using the information we have  learned since June to come  to a new understanding and awareness in the realm of our life and natal charts where 0 degrees of Pisces lands. In essence we can begin again, using new tools to apply the Saturn lessons we have learned over the last several months.

There are so many possibilities for how Saturn in Pisces can express itself-you will likely come up with your own creative manifestation-but here are a few to get you started:

Commitment to a spiritual practice

Disciplined compassion

Focused process of letting go

Putting music into a form (composing music)

Limiting who you share your energy with

Cutting off those who you have rescued in the past

Applying tough love to your inner victim

Firm kindness

Remember that when a planet changes direction after being retrograde or direct, the weeks that it spends at the same degree strengthen the effects of the planet.

If you have any planets or sensitive points (North and South node) at 28 degrees Aquarius to 2 degrees of Pisces (or any of the late degrees of the Fixed-Taurus/Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius signs to the early degrees of the Mutable-Gemini/Virgo/Sagittarius/Pisces signs) you will feel this shift more than most.

November 8th Venus emerges once more in the spotlight, this time as she settles into Libra, one of her home signs (the other is Taurus). After a dramatic, rocky time retrograde in Leo this past Summer-Venus gets to shine gently, harmoniously, peacefully and beautifully in her own sign.

November 9th, Mercury- the other “connective” personal planet moves  into fire sign Sagittarius today-lightening the cosmic field further with a mental spark of hope, optimism and adventure. The air of Venus in Libra combined with the fire of Mercury in Sagittarius will lighten up the heavy water/earth planetary landscape once Mercury gets past the early square to Saturn on November 10th. Thoughts, communication, and ease of travel may experience challenges as a testing period is required to strengthen our faith in ourselves and others.

November 11th brings a standoff between powerhouse Mars in Scorpio and rebel Uranus in Taurus. Mars can trigger an awareness of differences in values that keep people separate. Staying locked into one perspective or emotion can block the healing that is possible.

The first post eclipse lunation of the Fall of 2023 is on November 13th and amplifies some of the ongoing tension between the sign polarities of Taurus and Scorpio. The New Moon at 20 degrees of Scorpio is conjunct Mars in Scorpio and opposing Uranus. Energy, light, illumination (the Sun) joins will, force, heat  (Mars)  to introduce a fresh branch of growth in the realm of power, transformation, depth and healing (Scorpio). But there is a call to bring in an awareness of changing values, shifting earth patterns and upheaval of security, represented by Uranus and Taurus.

November 22nd the Sagittarius season begins, but  things get serious quickly  as the sign of the archer meets up with Saturn on November 23rd. Reflecting Mercury’s square to Saturn on November 10th-a tense awareness occurs of how to share the Sagittarius gift of believing with the Saturnized Pisces commitment to compassion.

On November 24th Mars joins the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius-shifting the cosmic balance from predominantly earth and water to fire and air. Mars in Sagittarius gives us the ability to have confidence in our growth, stretching past the known towards adventure and diversity. Like the Sun and Mercury, Mars also has to face the Saturn gauntlet on November 25th with a square to Saturn in Pisces. Tempering free flowing movement and bold courage with caution and maturity, Saturn in Pisces asks Mars to take a breath and ponder how to integrate divine, spiritual love into the search for meaning.

November ends with a Full Moon in Gemini on November 27th at 4 degrees, with Gemini’s ruling planet Mercury, squaring Neptune, the Sun and Moon still in loose square to Saturn in Pisces and the Sun conjunct Mars while the Moon opposes Mars. We become aware, through challenges, how the mystery of life, the unknown and the invisible shape us more than we know. There is a crossroads of knowledge that arises at this lunation, as we realize all that we do not understand. The Full Moon reminds us to listen to spirit, staying open and  receptive to the power of the divine through acts of focus, commitment and perseverance.


Join me on December 7, 2024 LIVE on Zoom (replay will be recorded)

4-5:30 PDT/7-8:30 EDT/$17 by November 15th $21 after


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December 2023 Cosmic Snapshot


Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus 2023