Ancestral Astrology Planetary Signature


Learn about the planetary archetype that shapes your ancestral lineage. This offering includes an analysis of your family charts to trace the planet that influences your ancestral story.

Submit up to 12 charts on one lineage side (Mother or Father) from at least 3 generations.

Birth times great but not necessary.


Your Ancestral Planetary Signature with a report that includes:

Names of family members with planetary signature and sign and house placement of planet.

Planetary personality

God/goddess of Planet

Herbs/Stones of planet

Tea recipe for that planet

Ritual to work with the planetary energy

Info about how that planet acts in your chart by sign and house.

Planetary guided meditation Mp.3

*Because I will be analyzing a large number of birth charts to identify your ancestral lineage planet-orders will take at least one week to fulfill.

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